Jan 28, 2016
Rocket ships and detectives, that’s what we have today. Ed Hancock II is here to talk about his new book Mendez Genesis and we have a story from Lights Out that should send chills through you. Sounds like a pretty good show so press that play button. Back in June of 2015 we had our first encounter with our guest this week. His story was so amazing that we invited him back when his new book published. Well Mr. Edward Hancock II did write Mendez Genesis and is back to tell us all about it. Ed was a dreamer from the start, born with Spina Bifida, his dreams became a reality at the age of 10 when he wrote what he considers to be his first real short story. By the age of 14, he had developed a deep love for writing poetry and by age 19, he was a staff member of the Kilgore College newspaper. Ed is the author of five award winning novels. They are, from oldest to newest, Morning Reign, Heart Beatings, Connection Terminated, Target Mendez and Mendez Genesis. All which are available right now here at amazon.com.