Feb 25, 2014
Our story this week comes from the OTR series that wasn’t. CBS Radio Mystery Theater was created in the mid 1970’s in an attempt to bring drama back to the radio. It met with good success and aired from 1974 until 1982. The show was created by Himan Brown who was a golden age of radio giant in the field of radio...
Feb 18, 2014
On the show this week we have a western from classic series Gunsmoke. This was series that was done right for over 25 years on both radio and television. Norman MacDonnell and writer John Meston were the creative force that brought this gem to radio in 1952. They set out to do something never done before, to create a...
Feb 11, 2014
On the program this week we are going to hear a gangster tale about a chicken. Yes you read that right. I am going to let the story explain my statement. However, I will tell you this it comes from the OTR series Murder at Midnight and is a bit off their normal fare. They featured mostly macabre tales of suspense,...
Feb 4, 2014
This week we are taking a trip down the dark road of the macabre. Edgar Allen Poe was an American author and poet, who was best known for his tales of mystery and ghoulish exploits. In his short life, he wrote a total of 30 books and they have all stood the test of time. The Cask of Amontillado is a short story that Poe...