Feb 16, 2017
I know that I have said this before, but this time it so true that I had to cut stuff. We have a jam packed podcast full of Four Amazing Stories. We will take you from a ghostly hitchhiker to an awfully scary nun. Then we run from frightening stampede to a family that has been turned out into the Canadian winter. So press that play button and stand back!
Our OTR Story - Wolf Pack!
What can I say about about our old time radio tale? It was made by the same folks in Detroit that brought you the Lone Ranger. They had a knack for presenting stories that takes you into the scene and makes you feel like you're right there. The series is called Challenge Of The Yukon. Sergeant Preston and King shine in this one as they protect a family from the Wolf Pack. It first aired on January 27, 1944.
New Archive Home
We have finally have a decent Archive page! I want to give a huge thank-you to the folks at The Internet Archive for setting up a full page for me. All of the old shows that are not on the live site are there. How to find it? Head to Archive.Org and search for Ron’s Amazing Stories or follow the link below. That’s it and please enjoy the old stuff.