Jun 24, 2014
On the show, we have a story from Authors' Playhouse which aired on NBC from 1941 to 1945. This OTR series featured adaptations of stories by famous authors of the time. Our tale was written by Ben Lucien Burman. He was an American author and journalist born in Covington, Kentucky. Also, a veteran of both World Wars. He...
Jun 17, 2014
The word monopoly is defined as the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service. Our story for this episode exposes how it could be used in the old west and get you killed. Gunsmoke was by far the best western of the golden age of radio. That isn’t just my opinion, the countless...
Jun 10, 2014
Our story today comes the grand OTR series Suspense and stars Orson Welles as an actor on a mission. I think one of the most amazing things about this performance is the number of different voices Orson uses and his off-brand of humor. The tale is called, The Dark Tower and first aired on May 4, 1944.
I have begun in...
Jun 3, 2014
I think that we have a great episode this week. There are quite a few surprises that range from music to the long awaited announcement of the IPod and IPad app.
Our story for this episode comes from The Mysterious Traveler. This was not only an OTR series, but also a magazine and comic book. The radio version of the...