Dec 2, 2014
On the show this time we have a detective of a different cloth. Bulletproof cloth to be exact! I received a tweet from @ManPunchit. He wanted me know that he liked the show we did a couple of weeks ago that featured Richard Diamond. He went to say that he wanted more like that and suggested that we play a story from the Blue Beetle and that is exactly what we are going to do.
The Blue Beetle was created by Charles Nicholas. The character made his first appearance in August of 1939 in the comic book Mystery Men #1, published by Fox Features Syndicate. What we will hear comes from The Blue Beetle radio serial which aired in 1940. Actor Frank Lovejoy provided the voice of the Blue Beetle. Although the series had only a short run on radio is was quite popular and would return in my different formats throughout the years including the popular present day DC comic.