Feb 20, 2020
On Ron’s Amazing Stories this time we have an original science fiction story written by our very own Jose Munoz called Faster Than Light. Later, I will read a listener suggested tale called Texas week, and we also have a collection of events from a haunted antique store in Tucson, Arizona. So, grab some popcorn, your favorite beverage and enjoy the show.
Featured Story - Faster Than Light
As I said we have a special story for you this week. It was sent in by long time listener Jose Munoz. This is his second submission to the show and is a science fiction tale that is epic in scope. Leah Arez is a physicist who has one goal, time travel. But what are the consequences? She doesn’t know, but the future may hold all her answers. I figured this one needed a professional touch, so I went to our friend Mark Nelson, narrator extraordinaire to read it to us. The story is titled Faster Than Light and is a lesson in time travel as well as history.
You can hear Jose’s other story in RAS #375 - An Encounter While Biking
Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at audibletrial.com/ronsamazingstories and Gladdy’s Goodies - Good Treats for your dog to eat.
Ron’s Amazing Stories is produced and hosted by Ronald Hood:
Email: ronsamazingstories@gmail.com
Blog Page: https://ronsamazingstories.blog/
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