Mar 28, 2019
On Ron’s Amazing Stories this time we have another high-rise story from Herman, Sharon K. is back with a head-scratcher, and we hear a cryptid tale from North Carolina. Our featured story is part two of Second Variety written by Philip K. Dick. Also, just for fun, we visit more OTR commercials from our past.
Featured Story - Second Variety Part Two
In part one of our story, a Russian soldier is sent on a suicide mission to deliver a message to the Americans. He was killed by allied owned robots before he could deliver it. An American soldier was dispatched to check the body and to recover the note. It was a warning and a request for a high-level meeting. Major Hendricks was the closest official at hand and was sent out on his own to meet with his Russian counterpart.
The story is called Second Variety and was suggested to me by listener Mark Lopez a few months ago. It was first published in Space Science Fiction in the May of 1953 issue.
Ron’s Amazing Stories is produced and hosted by Ronald Hood:
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