Feb 22, 2018
On Ron’s Amazing Stories this week we will have a science fiction story taken from Astounding Stories of Super-Science. We have a “thinker”, type tale from Milton of San Francisco and our OTR story comes from Blackstone The Magician.
Our Marquee Story - Into Space
Our main story this time is something pretty special, but you are going to have to listen to it from a 1930’s point of view. We have a tale from the classic science fiction magazine, Astounding Stories of Super-Science. It’s called, Into Space, and appeared in the February of 1930 edition. It tells of man’s first trip into space. It was written by Sterner St. Paul and is wonderfully read by Steven Bateman.
Ron’s Amazing Stories is produced and hosted by Ronald Hood
Email: ronsamazingstories@gmail.com
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