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Ron’s Amazing Stories is a weekly podcast. We play classic short stories, old-time radio and much more. Do you have a story that you want to tell? Ron will read it on the show or you can tell it for yourself! Also, we do interviews with authors, radio personalities, actors and even an NBA all-star

Aug 10, 2017

On Ron’s Amazing Stories this week we have a special show dedicated to World War II. We have story about a singer in a pre-war nightclub, a man is saved on a hospital ship by a ghost, and fate steps in to save another man from crashing in a WWII bomber. Add to that another five minute mystery, some crazy good music and I think you see why I call it special.

Our OTR Story - You Were Wonderful (with Lena Horne)

Our story stars Lena Horne as an American singer who arrives in pre-war Buenos Aires to perform at a nightclub, but soon finds herself embroiled in espionage, intrigue and murder. Far and away the best scenes in this episode are the three times she is allowed to sing. The episode is called, You Were Wonderful, and comes from the classic OTR series, Suspense. It first aired on November 9, 1944.

Ron’s Amazing Stories is produced and hosted by Ronald Hood


